So how did I get started??

I have been in missions and relief-aid work for almost 18 years. I first started doing missions and volunteer work the summer after graduating High school. I was 18 years old when my life was transformed in a radical way. I had been searching and fighting for years, trying to fill that hole, looking for a purpose . I was trying to find why the Lord had spared my life several times. I soon found out why. I was unaware that this was only the start of what was to become, my life calling, a career, a un-ordinary life. To go and serve the needy, to share His truth, reflect His love to those who are waiting. To live this life I been given as a vessel to expand His Kingdom.
My vision in training
from 2002-2004, I had the opportunity to do 3 different traiing schools with YWAM. A DTS (Discipleship Training School) A School of Worship and Evangelism, and a School of Intercession. During those years, I was being trained into what was to become my career. God was starting some real construction work in me. Discovering who I am in Him, my gifts, talents, and giving me a passion for the lost and neglected. Sharing the Gospel has become my purpose, my focus and foundation in life. During these years, have been giving the opportunity to go on many adventures, and what a blessing that has been. In 2018 I also completed a Community Development School, here in YWAM Tijuana. It was such an amazing h course and has allowed me to help serve in various projects and connect with Communities better.
My vision in training
from 2002-2004, I had the opportunity to do 3 different traiing schools with YWAM. A DTS (Discipleship Training School) A School of Worship and Evangelism, and a School of Intercession. During those years, I was being trained into what was to become my career. God was starting some real construction work in me. Discovering who I am in Him, my gifts, talents, and giving me a passion for the lost and neglected. Sharing the Gospel has become my purpose, my focus and foundation in life. During these years, have been giving the opportunity to go on many adventures, and what a blessing that has been. In 2018 I also completed a Community Development School, here in YWAM Tijuana. It was such an amazing h course and has allowed me to help serve in various projects and connect with Communities better.

In the spring of 2006, I moved to Florida to work with an awesome missions organization called Overland Missions. From 2004-2008 I was blessed to be serving with them in different areas of ministry. From the bush of Africa, to the Andes of Argentina,the Pacific Islands of Fiji, to the Fjords of Norway and to the Amazons of Brazil, my time with Overland Missions and YWAM has been an amazing. To be able to take the gospel to the unreached, and put survival training into action and walking by Faith each day is a great lifestyle to live. During my time in preparation, and also living out my calling. I have learned one important lesson, all I am is His instrument. And the lifestyle that God has called me out to do is worth it.
My Heart

I am currently living back in Tijuana, Mexico. I am full time YWAM San Diego Baja. I been here since August 2016 after completing a 2 year commitment with YWAM Las Vegas in between that.. The burden I have is for the unreached people of this world, urban Ministry and the 10/40 window.
I don't know what the future holds with YWAM Tijana (San Antonio del Mar) San Diego/Baja, but I am blessed to be part of this community. Blessed to be part of house builds, admin roles, and encouraging others about missions. My heart and passion is to fulfill the Great Commission. ITS NOT ABOUT ME. The only thing I must do is to live out my life according to His will and not my own. To be reminded each and everyday of His glory, compassion for those who are waiting. I will live out everyday as the Lord instructs me to, and will GO where he sends me no matter what. Will you believe with me? Do you want to be part of making a a difference? You can...just got to be willing, GIVE. PRAY. GO
I don't know what the future holds with YWAM Tijana (San Antonio del Mar) San Diego/Baja, but I am blessed to be part of this community. Blessed to be part of house builds, admin roles, and encouraging others about missions. My heart and passion is to fulfill the Great Commission. ITS NOT ABOUT ME. The only thing I must do is to live out my life according to His will and not my own. To be reminded each and everyday of His glory, compassion for those who are waiting. I will live out everyday as the Lord instructs me to, and will GO where he sends me no matter what. Will you believe with me? Do you want to be part of making a a difference? You can...just got to be willing, GIVE. PRAY. GO