Faith as a Lifestyle

First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my personal website. I'm really excited to be able to have a place to share with you about what God has been doing and going to do. To be His daughter, truly putting Him first in my life...makes every moment so worth it .
Life looks different for me now days. As you know, before the pandemic, I was in full time ministry for 18years, I lived and went through many adventures, the highs and lows. I am no longer a full time missionary, I am no longer with YWAM. But my calling has not ended it just looks different. I am still serving alongside YWAM in short term capacity and serving my church as well. It's been a huge adjustment and transition but I am glad to be here in California with family.
Yes you the reader, you are part of this adventure along with me. What an honor to serve God, what an honor to be called His daughter. To GO!! Walk in Faith, Die to Self..It’s worth it!!