Incredible Journey, New year, new start. Volume 11, Issue 1 Jan- Feb 2013
It has been some time now since I sent some news your way. And for that I apologize. It’s the start of a new year, and new beginnings. So much has happened since my incredible journey to the Philippines. It was an un-forgettable time traveled to this place. I have completely fallen in love with the people, children and youth. They have completely captured my heart. I was even more blessed that I didn’t go alone. My cousin Gabby got to travel with me, on a 21 day adventure, sharing the gospel, worshiping, praying for the sick, blessing the poor, the broken! It was all incredible! And you were all part of it. So thank you for standing with me, for sowing.
I was home for the Holidays, got back right on time to be home for Christmas & New Years. And I even spent some time with my twin sister. It was an amazing time with family and friends, and yeap I’m sure you’re wondering..(I’m single again) don’t worry I’m doing great and enjoying life. You’re my community and I wanted to share this piece of news as well. So it’s a New Year, and New start. Thank you for standing with me during 2012, and hope you will continue to for 2013. Thank you for believing in me!! Without you, and your amazing support and prayers I wouldn’t be able to, things will be harder. So thank you for standing with me. For reminding me that I am not alone in this journey. I love my calling, the life of a missionary. My career, I would not trade it for anything. It’s my passion!! Thank you.
I was home for the Holidays, got back right on time to be home for Christmas & New Years. And I even spent some time with my twin sister. It was an amazing time with family and friends, and yeap I’m sure you’re wondering..(I’m single again) don’t worry I’m doing great and enjoying life. You’re my community and I wanted to share this piece of news as well. So it’s a New Year, and New start. Thank you for standing with me during 2012, and hope you will continue to for 2013. Thank you for believing in me!! Without you, and your amazing support and prayers I wouldn’t be able to, things will be harder. So thank you for standing with me. For reminding me that I am not alone in this journey. I love my calling, the life of a missionary. My career, I would not trade it for anything. It’s my passion!! Thank you.
It’s just the start
Already I can see some amazing things happening. In January some great things happened that I had been waiting for some time. I was given the opportunity to speak at my home church at mission’s day. You might think this is just like any other speaking engagement. I had shared to the Jr. High, High School and even Sunday School students before. But this was the first time I spoke to the adults & elders of my church. I have been in full time missions for 10 years now; actually this summer will be my 11th year in ministry. And this was the first time I spoke at my home church on a Sunday. It was a great blessing!! And to see their reaction to what God had been doing and ministry, and to take up the challenge to respond was even greater!
A couple weeks went by after I spoke at my home church and a group of the Youth leaders decided to come down to be part of a “FREE YOUTH WORKERS WEEKEND” with YWAM San Diego/Baja. And they were able to build a home for a needy family in Tijuana, Mexico through our project, “Homes of Hope”. In the group was my brother, his wife and 2 really good friends from my home church. It has been a great desire to see my family and church and be part of Homes of Hope. And now they are responding to the challenge, and would like to bring their own group to build a home. This is my vision, ministry and continue to walk in Faith. To do God’s will and leave an imprint in the lives of others; that is my heart! Just the start of what the Lord is doing 2013.
A couple weeks went by after I spoke at my home church and a group of the Youth leaders decided to come down to be part of a “FREE YOUTH WORKERS WEEKEND” with YWAM San Diego/Baja. And they were able to build a home for a needy family in Tijuana, Mexico through our project, “Homes of Hope”. In the group was my brother, his wife and 2 really good friends from my home church. It has been a great desire to see my family and church and be part of Homes of Hope. And now they are responding to the challenge, and would like to bring their own group to build a home. This is my vision, ministry and continue to walk in Faith. To do God’s will and leave an imprint in the lives of others; that is my heart! Just the start of what the Lord is doing 2013.
Expanding Vision
I will continue to reflect God’s love and passion for others, just as He was the perfect example of that. I enjoy having fellowship with those who are broken, lost, and sad and depress, because it is my job and responsibility to always reflect His Love. The moment we said, “God I will follow you”. You also said, God I will care for those who are lost, I will have compassion for the needs of others. I want my ultimate goal to always advance His Kingdom, I’m not preaching at you..I’m merely reminding you what we as believers, what our responsibilities are. I need your help to make this happen as well, I cannot do this alone. Thank you for standing with me.
If you would like to stand with me, I ask that you would prayerfully consider being part of my team and financially supporting me, and sowing. Every dollar makes a difference.
If you would like to stand with me, I ask that you would prayerfully consider being part of my team and financially supporting me, and sowing. Every dollar makes a difference.
You can help & be part!
It’s not always easy to walk in Faith, to not know when I can cover financial expenses. I am able to be part of all the ministry work because of people like you. But I need people to partner with me. I also need to do my part. I need to cover about $300 living expenses, plus $120 of food expenses. And well, I need your support. I want to keep moving forward without worrying. And need you to stand with me. But It is a wonderful privilege to be able to work with and volunteer with YWAM San Diego/Baja. And now to be able to go to the Philippines will be awesome! But need more people to believe in me. I am not alone. Thank you!!
June- August 2012 Volume 10, Issue 3
I See Hope
So much has happened in the last couple months. It has been a great summer, with so many great stories to share. I have seen many amazing people come through YWAM San Diego/Baja. I have seen many people willing to come and serve; Churches, companies, youth groups. Many teams from all over the U.S and Canada making a huge difference for the people of Baja, Mexico. In Tijuana and Ensenda Mexico, those who were waiting, especially those who were in desperate need. To see walls going up, with a cement foundation, children finally having a place to sleep, parents being worry free. To see tears rolling down their faces and a smile with such delight. That’s what it’s all about! When the keys are dropped in their hands, we give them hope!! That is why I am here, to see people who were willing to serve others and touch lives. It’s a reflection of God’s love. It’s a second chance it’s hope!!
And I know if it wasn’t for all your prayers and your support for standing with me, I wouldn’t be able to be part of this. To reflect God’s glory. To be able to encourage others about missions; to motivate them to share their skills and give others hope, because that’s what YWAM San Diego/Baja does. God has placed me with this organization to volunteer and work in San Diego, Tijuana and Ensenada for a reason. To build 10-15 homes per month, giving people homes, one family at a time! Just like we did in this amazing summer of building more than 50 homes! Wow! What a blessing, and each of you who are reading this are very much part of that. Thank you. I celebrate 10 years this summer in the ministry. And as you stand beside me, more lives will be touched, more people will be told about the Love of Christ!! If you allow me to, then allow me to give others hope!
And I know if it wasn’t for all your prayers and your support for standing with me, I wouldn’t be able to be part of this. To reflect God’s glory. To be able to encourage others about missions; to motivate them to share their skills and give others hope, because that’s what YWAM San Diego/Baja does. God has placed me with this organization to volunteer and work in San Diego, Tijuana and Ensenada for a reason. To build 10-15 homes per month, giving people homes, one family at a time! Just like we did in this amazing summer of building more than 50 homes! Wow! What a blessing, and each of you who are reading this are very much part of that. Thank you. I celebrate 10 years this summer in the ministry. And as you stand beside me, more lives will be touched, more people will be told about the Love of Christ!! If you allow me to, then allow me to give others hope!
Many of you know that last December I went to the Philippines. I went to visit a friend who planted a church, and has also been doing Medical outreaches with a clinic at a neighboring Island. Her name is Annie, and she also works with a friend of hers named Gloria that has done ministry work in her village all on their own. There are many children and youth in this village in Dasmarinas. When I went, I fell in love with the people, the children, the very much needed people who need to be encouraged. Last year I went during December, and due to generous donations from family & friends I was able buy Christmas gifts and grocery bags to most of the church members and some of the children in the community. This year I would like to go between September and December. I wasn’t sure if I was able to go, since I was trying to recruit someone to go with me. I have about half my airfare donated so far, and well I just need about $1,800 more. If anyone can stand with me, as I would like to go for 4 weeks. I will be doing a reconnaissance trip for future) Discipleship Training Schools)- DTS outreaches for YWAM. As well as continue working with Annie and her project with youth and the kids of her village. These people are amazing and have captured my heart! So many kids in Cavite, they need to know!! I would love to take them some gifts, and just share the message, and visit those in need. Anything that I can do and also visit a neighboring Island to do the same. I know this is not much time, but a dollar goes long ways. Stand with me and makes this possible.
I see RED! :)
It has been an amazing time of Provision as well. I know that sometimes we forget what we have and take it for granted. But after many years of praying and asking God, my prayers have been answered. It took a few more weeks after I was told by amazing parents, but they gave me a car!!!! PRAISE GOD! It’s finally HERE!! YES! GOD IS GOOD! I love it, and a huge blessing.
Volume 10, Issue 2 April- May 2012
You make a difference
There have been so many things happening the last few months; so many great things in my life and ministry projects. First I wanted to thank you for continuing to stand with me in prayer, and your financial support. It hasn’t been all that easy, but I know that I have been able to do what I do with people like you standing by my side believing in me. To those who are my family and friends and even people who I have never met. Thank you for sowing into what He has called me out to do, to the people in Baja, Mexico! You have made a difference with me! It’s a lot of work but when you know you can move forward in this calling and vision, it’s my passion! it makes this work easier to accomplish. Thank you
Transforming lives
The last few months I have been involved in 6 house builds, both in Tijuana and Ensenada campuses. I also been involved in a youth camp called Mission Adventures. It’s been a blessing and a lot of work. But to be able to bless more families with a new home! Wow what a great experience to be part of it. To be able to Advance His kingdom, that is why I do what I do. And you have been part of it. To see more Children & youth being transformed with the Love of Christ! You have been there with me. This is my passion! It’s what keeps me going in this ministry; Lives being transformed. It doesn’t matter that I work in an office many hours, because I know that being part of YWAM’s ministry, I also get to be part of Homes of Hope project, helping host teams as a translator, to build more homes, and give a family a second chance. And that’s what it’s all about. I am also the coordinator for individuals that want to come down and volunteer at our campuses in Tijuana and Ensenada. I been doing that for 2 yrs now, and it’s been a blessing to see more people come and be part of what God is doing here. To transform more lives with the Love of Christ! This is what it means! Lives being transformed and more.
Another thing that truly makes me happy is the Ladies Bible study group I been attending. They have been a huge blessing for me, and they keep me accountable, and just an amazing group of women! They are from The Rock church here in San Diego. They are amazing friends and I’m so blessed to have them in my life. And we are hoping that one day as a group we can go to Tijuana to build a home. We are a close group and meet every Wednesday for study. In April the ladies even gave me a brand new Bike!! A Huge blessing when they know I rely on it for transportation. Awesome!
Walking by Faith is my lifestyle..
The last few months I have realized that this season has been a great time of ministry and opportunities. But I got to be honest; it’s almost been a bit of a dry season. In my 10 years of ministry, it has never been this dry financially speaking. I know it’s hard times for everyone. But the last 6 months, I have been challenged. And I know that I shouldn’t rely on man. I know that I need to always walk by faith and not by fear. God has always been my provider. And that Faith has been my lifestyle, to live by faith, in all my needs. But I thought it meant to never share to the body of Christ what’s really going on. But to tell you the truth, I need the body of Christ if I’m going to continue to do what the Lord has called me out to do. I was afraid to share this need because I know many of us are in a financial crisis. But many people ask me, “Teresa, how are you really doing?” and I always give them the same answer. And well right now I’m only down to having 3 sponsors. And with that, it’s been very stretching. Thank God, the last few days, I did have another friend just make another commitment. And I’m not sharing this to say, “poor me: but I’m challenging you and myself. Will you prayerfully consider and standing with me? Will you support me on a monthly basis? I can’t do it alone anymore. I need you to believe with me to make a difference. I need to move forward. Teresa De Leon
Volume 10, Issue 1
Jan- March 2012
It has been a while since my last newsletter. Many things great things happened when I was preparing for a big trip in December; I saw how faithful He really was. I apologize that I have disappeared for a while, but I have not forgotten about you, and appreciate your patience. It was a hectic time for a few months, during my preparation and then when I got back, the YWAM office was in transition. But there is no excuse to be out of touch for so long.
I mark this newsletter as volume 10, because it’s my 10th year in ministry. Wow time fly’s so fast. I have been with a few mission organizations in the last few years. And serving with YWAM san Diego/Baja now for 3 yrs. Many of you have stood with me, just receiving these reports, many have prayed with me, and many have called. I know many I have not been able to see or visit in a long time. But I want to give you one more opportunity. If you no longer want to receive these reports, please let me know. It won’t bother me, just need to know to plan the next one. I don’t want to pressure you, but understand. Thank you.
I mark this newsletter as volume 10, because it’s my 10th year in ministry. Wow time fly’s so fast. I have been with a few mission organizations in the last few years. And serving with YWAM san Diego/Baja now for 3 yrs. Many of you have stood with me, just receiving these reports, many have prayed with me, and many have called. I know many I have not been able to see or visit in a long time. But I want to give you one more opportunity. If you no longer want to receive these reports, please let me know. It won’t bother me, just need to know to plan the next one. I don’t want to pressure you, but understand. Thank you.
I knew this place was on my heart for a reason. The doors were being open, and felt such a burden before I went. I almost cancelled before I even arrived. But when I finally got to Dasmarinas, Cavite, a place 2 hrs outside of Manila, I knew why I had to go. The people were so eager to know, so desperate to learn, in very poor conditions. Every time I would go to the market, the people would come up to me, and start to ask me questions. First start talking to me in the local language, thinking I was from there, they were surprised when I began to speak in English. But as I shared with them the love of Christ with tears rolling down their faces, I knew why I had to be there. These people were desperate to learn. The youth wanted to hear more stories, every night we would stay up until midnight, just talking and hanging out. The kids in the street were just so wonderful and eager to hear more. I fell in love with the kids, youth and their parents. It was a wonderful place to be, and especially when I looked like them. So it was so easy to fit it. Their culture was very similar to a Latin culture, or Hispanic culture. Perhaps that’s why I had a really easy time. But it was amazing!!
One of the greatest things that happened was that the Lord really financially provided for this trip. Sometimes it’s hard to financially give, but not in the Philippines. Because the Philippines was so inexpensive, I was really able to bless the kids by doing something really special for them. So during my time, we had a huge Christmas party, and with my travel expenses fund, and because I didn’t used much, instead I used it to buy 40 Christmas gifts for the kids and youth. Then we got 40 bags of groceries!! It was food for their parents; a huge provision for them especially during the Holiday’s something they were so in need of. And even extra was that it was enough to buy the kids a Christmas dinner!! It was amazing, and it was a great blessing to be put in that position to give back. So thank you to all who gave and made that happen. It was a great success, so much so that I’m going back this year and hoping to take a team!!
So please keep that in your prayers as I plan the next trip, I will keep you posted. This is in my heart, and hoping to go back really soon.
One of the greatest things that happened was that the Lord really financially provided for this trip. Sometimes it’s hard to financially give, but not in the Philippines. Because the Philippines was so inexpensive, I was really able to bless the kids by doing something really special for them. So during my time, we had a huge Christmas party, and with my travel expenses fund, and because I didn’t used much, instead I used it to buy 40 Christmas gifts for the kids and youth. Then we got 40 bags of groceries!! It was food for their parents; a huge provision for them especially during the Holiday’s something they were so in need of. And even extra was that it was enough to buy the kids a Christmas dinner!! It was amazing, and it was a great blessing to be put in that position to give back. So thank you to all who gave and made that happen. It was a great success, so much so that I’m going back this year and hoping to take a team!!
So please keep that in your prayers as I plan the next trip, I will keep you posted. This is in my heart, and hoping to go back really soon.
New Year, New hope
It’s only been a couple months into the New year, and time is flying. It has been a crazy few weeks, with so many houses been built with our “Homes of Hope” project. Upon my arrival back into the U.S, I got to help host one of my favorite teams. For Sharmeeron Paur, she brought over 100 friends and family for an amazing weekend to Tijuana, Mexico, where 4 homes were built. Shameeron has been coming for many years now, and is an amazing woman! I’m blessed to have her as a friend; along with her family as well, just making a difference alongside our staff here at YWAM San Diego/Baja.
This was an amazing build, where 4 families were blessed with a new home. Just making a difference one family at a time. This all part of what I do and if you would like to stand by me, to make this possible, please prayerfully consider joining my support team. I don’t just host teams in Tijuana. I am also the short –term volunteer coordinator for YWAM San Diego/Baja, volunteering at our headquarters, and I am a translator for Discipleship training Schools, and for our Homes of Hope teams. I need more people like you to stand by me, it’s not all that easy, but I know that as I continue to share what I believe then more will stand by me. Thank you.
Teresa De Leon
This was an amazing build, where 4 families were blessed with a new home. Just making a difference one family at a time. This all part of what I do and if you would like to stand by me, to make this possible, please prayerfully consider joining my support team. I don’t just host teams in Tijuana. I am also the short –term volunteer coordinator for YWAM San Diego/Baja, volunteering at our headquarters, and I am a translator for Discipleship training Schools, and for our Homes of Hope teams. I need more people like you to stand by me, it’s not all that easy, but I know that as I continue to share what I believe then more will stand by me. Thank you.
Teresa De Leon
Volume 9, Issue 1
A Home is not just a Home...
Although it has been a while since you have received a report; believe me, you and I both have been more then eager to share with you what has happened the last few months. I have tried on several occasions to report what has been going on, but the time has flown by so fast and it has been so hectic. But now I finally can.
The summer is over, the months have passed, and what an incredible time it was. One I will never forget and will always carry in my heart. Lives were changed, transformed and renewed. I have seen so many families in Tijuana, Mexico get a second opportunity. I have seen that a slab of cement with a wood frame is not just a home. It’s a second chance; it’s an opportunity for children to go to school, a healthy living, no more despair. Infants no longer having respiratory problems, and surviving pass their 5th birthday. To see the joy in their face when we give the families the keys to their new home is more than a blessing! And every one of you was part of that, by keeping me in your prayers. Thank you for allowing me to bless others through our Homes of Hope ministry, One family at a time
The summer is over, the months have passed, and what an incredible time it was. One I will never forget and will always carry in my heart. Lives were changed, transformed and renewed. I have seen so many families in Tijuana, Mexico get a second opportunity. I have seen that a slab of cement with a wood frame is not just a home. It’s a second chance; it’s an opportunity for children to go to school, a healthy living, no more despair. Infants no longer having respiratory problems, and surviving pass their 5th birthday. To see the joy in their face when we give the families the keys to their new home is more than a blessing! And every one of you was part of that, by keeping me in your prayers. Thank you for allowing me to bless others through our Homes of Hope ministry, One family at a time
Urban youth
This summer another project I got to be involved with was our Mission Adventures program here in San Diego. It’s where we had several youth groups from all over the U.S & Canada who came and participated in a week of Evangelism and Urban ministry. It’s a great way for Jr. and High School students to step out of their comfort zone, and learn a bit of what it take to share the gospel to their friends. And also how to share to those in need living in urban cities, volunteering at homeless shelters, feeding America programs, and also partnering with a local church. Many of the youth who came to participate had no idea about evangelism, so we got to show them all about that, and were really excited to be able to lead someone to the Lord for the first time. It’s a great program, and was really blessed to be part of it. I’m hoping that next summer, we have twice as many youth!
A very Happy moment!!
To be with family and friends; was more than a blessing to see a younger brother get married to see his bride! This was his chosen wife. The wife God has chosen for him, and to be there and see him with such joy was such a delight, it brought such joy to my heart, it brought tears of happiness. So thank you to all who were able to make my wedding gift to my brother happen.
As tradition, a family member takes part in a wedding gift, and I was able to be part of that, even when funds were hard to come by. So thank you for standing by me, especially my dear friend Shameeron, you truly blessed me.It was such a beautiful wedding, one I will never forget, to see a brother and now a new sister in law happily married. I am so proud of my brother, for making a difference in the lives of many by being an example of what a relationship ought to be and waiting for this day, I am so happy for the new lovely couple. Love you Bro!!
As tradition, a family member takes part in a wedding gift, and I was able to be part of that, even when funds were hard to come by. So thank you for standing by me, especially my dear friend Shameeron, you truly blessed me.It was such a beautiful wedding, one I will never forget, to see a brother and now a new sister in law happily married. I am so proud of my brother, for making a difference in the lives of many by being an example of what a relationship ought to be and waiting for this day, I am so happy for the new lovely couple. Love you Bro!!
Next Big thing!
Well I been praying and thinking about the next big step I would like to take. Ministry in Mexico keeps me busy enough with several projects, but now I was thinking I really need to get myself to accomplish more of my vision. And of course I know it’s not about me. I know that God has been laying
something on my heart the last the last few months.
I thought he was showing me a vision of Africa, and well at first it was very heavy, and even talk to some friends about it.
That door was shut and another opened. So as I continued to pray, the Lord showed me another vision and one place he gave me was the word Asia, and well that’s a pretty big place. I never been, but have always wanted to go, it’s been a burden of mine. So I took the first step and starting e-mailing a friend I have in the Philippines, outside of Manila, right away she responded.
So in December I am planning to go, God be willing on a 3 week trip to Manila. She is a co-pastor there. And has a wonderful ministry in her village. There is also another pastor in the city that can also use some help. So if everything works out I hope to do both. At this time, my plane ticket is $900-$1,100. If I stay with friends, travel expenses won’t be as much, about $500-$700. And I wanted to take the first step and let you know, this is heavy on my heart, and I would love to accomplish this with your help. I never been to Asia, but I know that the Lord will provide. God’s will God’s bill. I am not alone on this. So I ask that you would prayerfully consider making a donation toward this trip. If I can get 50 people to send me $35 or if 30 people donate $60 that will be great blessing!
Thank you for your time and for standing with me.
In His Service, Teresa De Leon
something on my heart the last the last few months.
I thought he was showing me a vision of Africa, and well at first it was very heavy, and even talk to some friends about it.
That door was shut and another opened. So as I continued to pray, the Lord showed me another vision and one place he gave me was the word Asia, and well that’s a pretty big place. I never been, but have always wanted to go, it’s been a burden of mine. So I took the first step and starting e-mailing a friend I have in the Philippines, outside of Manila, right away she responded.
So in December I am planning to go, God be willing on a 3 week trip to Manila. She is a co-pastor there. And has a wonderful ministry in her village. There is also another pastor in the city that can also use some help. So if everything works out I hope to do both. At this time, my plane ticket is $900-$1,100. If I stay with friends, travel expenses won’t be as much, about $500-$700. And I wanted to take the first step and let you know, this is heavy on my heart, and I would love to accomplish this with your help. I never been to Asia, but I know that the Lord will provide. God’s will God’s bill. I am not alone on this. So I ask that you would prayerfully consider making a donation toward this trip. If I can get 50 people to send me $35 or if 30 people donate $60 that will be great blessing!
Thank you for your time and for standing with me.
In His Service, Teresa De Leon
Spring 2011 Volume 9, Issue 1
Spring is almost done..
So this update is way pass due. As life in YWAM has kept me pretty busy, there has also been a lot of adventures and trials the last few months. As I have been working in the office in the Human Resources department, there are many things I have seen and learned. But all I can say is that I am grateful for those who stood by my side during the tough times. It wasn’t always easy, but it was well worth it. When you live a life serving to make a difference, and a lifestyle of Faith, there is always going to be some adventure to it. But it’s also like a rollercoaster, up and down in its seasons. Sometimes I sit and just wait on God in his Presence. And other times it goes up! I go out and meet the people, touch the lives, meet the hearts, the poor, the neglected and broken. And that’s where my passion really is. But there is so much work to do, and we have to work together to get the work done, and move forward. That’s what I have learned here at YWAM San Diego Baja. It’s been an amazing journey, with great people, great leaders, great friends, and I am so blessed to be part of it.
Families of Hope..
The last few months I been helping as a translator at our Tijuana del Mar campus with our Homes of hope teams, where we get to go out and Build a home for a needy family. Not only has it been a blessing to me to be part of it, but a truly unique experience to work with the teams that come from all over the U.S and Canada to lend a hand. And also to share my heart to the needy families, many of which are so eager to learn about the Lord. Many of them have younger kids in the family so I get to just love on them, and even though it’s just a few days, I know that in those days I will be able to plant a seed of God’s love in their lives. Giving them a new home is more than a gift to them, it’s a blessing, something they will never forget.
New Breath
Another awesome thing that happened on April 17th is that I got to participate in the Sharon’s Ride. Run. Walk for Epilepsy, it was a 5k. Many of my family came out and my friends participated in this event. It was an event to raise funds for further research for those affected by Epilepsy. We got to raise almost $800 for the San Diego Epilepsy foundation. It was a great event, followed by a great picnic, BBQ. We plan on participating in the even next year, with more people, and raising more funds. So thanks for all you support. To those who gave, we couldn’t have done it without you!
I also have been going through some health trials the last few years, but the last few months there have also been some difficult circumstances . As many of you may know, I have been hospitalized on numerous occasions from a bizarre stomach pain, caused by IBS which was also triggering seizures. And well after months of going to doctor to doctor, and test after test. I found out it was a flare up from the parasite I caught in Haiti last year, which left me facing IBS. The doctors told me I didn’t have all the symptoms. I had to do a drastic diet change so that I can improve the pain levels, it left me with a drastic weight lost of 40lbs. My last hospital stay I spent 4 days in ICU, and I got to see a specialist. Well studies were done and a lot of prayer. And well new news I no longer have the pain. No pain at all Praise God!!! And Thank you for all your prayers and support!!!. It was a long road, but thank you to all who stood by me.
I also have been going through some health trials the last few years, but the last few months there have also been some difficult circumstances . As many of you may know, I have been hospitalized on numerous occasions from a bizarre stomach pain, caused by IBS which was also triggering seizures. And well after months of going to doctor to doctor, and test after test. I found out it was a flare up from the parasite I caught in Haiti last year, which left me facing IBS. The doctors told me I didn’t have all the symptoms. I had to do a drastic diet change so that I can improve the pain levels, it left me with a drastic weight lost of 40lbs. My last hospital stay I spent 4 days in ICU, and I got to see a specialist. Well studies were done and a lot of prayer. And well new news I no longer have the pain. No pain at all Praise God!!! And Thank you for all your prayers and support!!!. It was a long road, but thank you to all who stood by me.
So Grateful
It’s not always easy, but always worth it to serve God in missions. Making a difference is my career, my passion. And that’s what I plan to do until He says otherwise. If you would like to join my team, and would like to financially support me. This is what you can do. I want you to pray about it, think about it, and give whatever the Lord lays on your heart. Thank for taking the time to read this newsletter. Thank for standing by me and for being part of what the Lord is doing here in YWAM San Diego Baja. Love you guys.
Financial needs:
Health Insurance: $171
Food& housing $300
Cell: $50
Medication: $25
Financial needs:
Health Insurance: $171
Food& housing $300
Cell: $50
Medication: $25
October-December 2010 Volume 8, Issue 5
Season of Gratitude
As you may all know this a time where we show how grateful we are, where we have opportunities to get with our families and friends and spend some quality time together. But why is that we just do it once a year? Well at least for some of us, I know for some it’s because family lives far away, it’s because financially speaking it can be very hard. But I hope that in this time of year, you have also taken the time to show gratitude towards those who are in need. There are those who don’t have what you have, who are under privileged. I hope that in this season, that instead of buying a huge turkey or buy lots of gifts, you can help of those in need, those in your church who don’t have much to eat, a place to live perhaps. Of course I also want to take the time to thank you for blessing me. The last couple of months have been a true reminder of what friendship is all about. That it’s not just being around my own family when I’m in a need, or facing a circumstance, that the people that God has surrounded me with is my family as well. Thank you for blessing
Hit the Road
Well since keeping busy with a lot of YWAM’s ministry and in the office and meetings and now being part of a new project. I really needed a new computer. I didn’t have the resources, but I really needed to upgrade to a new computer, the one I had was almost 6 years old. Well after talking with a few friends. It finally came through, and the Lord’s provision, I was able to upgrade to a nice netbook. I’m really happy with it, and great for travel. Well the project I decided to help with was to join the mobile team by promoting our Mission Adventures ministry and attending some conferences. Mission Adventures is a ministry for Jr. High and high school Students dedicated to teach them short-term missions during spring break or summer. During the program youth camp students participate in evangelism training, and dram training and they can also participate in a house build where they will be able to give a home to a needy Family. It’s really a great ministry because we get to talk directly to youth pastors and youth leaders and getting them to join alongside of us by bring their youth group during spring break and summer for 2011 and 2012
We did about 5 conferences, the last one being in Nashville, Tennessee. It was a lot of work, a long road trip, late nights, but a great success and so worth it!! I hope to continue helping in this area with my roommate Sheril who is the registrar for Mission Adventures. To be able to be part of this Mission Adventures Network was a great opportunity, and can’t want to be part of it again for next year conference. I got to meet some great people. I learned that YWAM really does make a great impact the moment you talk to youth pastor or youth leader in just a few words. It’s not about numbers, but about motivating others about missions
In my last newsletter I’m sure many of you were a little worried because of the recent situation I had to face with the passing of two of my dear friends. And well it is a reality, it still makes me sad some days, and some days I’m just reminded that they are Home with our King. I really appreciate everyone who sent me encouraging letters and e-mails, I really appreciate it.
I have learned that no matter what, I will move forward. I love where God has called me to do, to be a part of, and know it all happens for a reason. I am blessed to be surrounded with the people I get to work with. When God brought me back to work with this ministry, YWAM has been a true blessing in my life. I been in San Diego a little over a year, and I can truly say that I have some great leaders, and not just leaders but great friends. I have learned to speak my mind out, share my opinions, and that is great. And you also have been part of my life the last few years; you have stood with me the whole way, and been part of this long journey and also blessed my life in so many ways.
Thank you for standing with me. Since 2002, when I first starting sending these letters to some of you, that is a long time. And well I also feel comfortable enough to share with you when things aren’t going well financially. I want to be honest, and want you to know what God is also doing. I want you to know how I feel. Some months goes well, some months it gets really dry, and you know that. And as end of the year approaches, it can get hard. So I ask that you keep me in your prayers for that as well. I see you not only as my friends, but as family, who stand with me. You are also in my heart and Prayers. And desire the best for you in this New Year to come. Thank you for making this year so wonderful!!
I have learned that no matter what, I will move forward. I love where God has called me to do, to be a part of, and know it all happens for a reason. I am blessed to be surrounded with the people I get to work with. When God brought me back to work with this ministry, YWAM has been a true blessing in my life. I been in San Diego a little over a year, and I can truly say that I have some great leaders, and not just leaders but great friends. I have learned to speak my mind out, share my opinions, and that is great. And you also have been part of my life the last few years; you have stood with me the whole way, and been part of this long journey and also blessed my life in so many ways.
Thank you for standing with me. Since 2002, when I first starting sending these letters to some of you, that is a long time. And well I also feel comfortable enough to share with you when things aren’t going well financially. I want to be honest, and want you to know what God is also doing. I want you to know how I feel. Some months goes well, some months it gets really dry, and you know that. And as end of the year approaches, it can get hard. So I ask that you keep me in your prayers for that as well. I see you not only as my friends, but as family, who stand with me. You are also in my heart and Prayers. And desire the best for you in this New Year to come. Thank you for making this year so wonderful!!
A Man with a smile..
A couple months ago I lost two dear friends, and I know that they are home now with our heavenly father. On November 27- December 2nd, I had the opportunity to visit my grandpa in Mexico City. He has been very sick, and my brother and I thought it would be best to visit him.
We arrived back in California on December 2nd, and on December 6th, at the age of 92 my grandpa passed away. He went home to be with our heavenly father. Even though I miss him, I miss hugging him, and kissing him on the cheeks. I know he is no longer in pain. My grandpa truly left an imprint in my family. He is the father of 12, a true history maker, and leader of his family, always with a smile, so gentle and so kind. I will miss him so much. But I know that he is wandering in the streets of Gold, no longer in pain, with a smile, and laughing, with that cheesy grin. I will miss him.
Thank you for all those who have kept me in your prayers. For allowing me to visit my grandpa before it was too late, I know he is home now.
We arrived back in California on December 2nd, and on December 6th, at the age of 92 my grandpa passed away. He went home to be with our heavenly father. Even though I miss him, I miss hugging him, and kissing him on the cheeks. I know he is no longer in pain. My grandpa truly left an imprint in my family. He is the father of 12, a true history maker, and leader of his family, always with a smile, so gentle and so kind. I will miss him so much. But I know that he is wandering in the streets of Gold, no longer in pain, with a smile, and laughing, with that cheesy grin. I will miss him.
Thank you for all those who have kept me in your prayers. For allowing me to visit my grandpa before it was too late, I know he is home now.
August-September Volume 8, Issue 4
I am certain that as I have walked these last few months of my life, not only have I seen his grace, provision, and trust. I have seen His love for me. Thank you to all those who have stood with me, who have partnered with me in this life that I been called to serve. It’s no easy task. How thankful I am to have you part of my life, believing in me, and standing with me and being part of those who are lost; neglected. It’s not easy and I am not taking it for granted. There is so much to do; and so little time. Thankful that you have stood with me to reach those who are hungry to know, hungry to feel and understand the same Love I have come to understand. The life that I have come to live that has become my passion. I am thankful for you, thankful for each and every one of you. Thankful that I have clothes on my back, bread to eat and water to drink.
Reflection of Gratitude Volume 8, Issue 3
As many of you may be aware of, a few months ago I was faced with one of the biggest challenges of my life. I responded to the door that was being opened for me and the need that was in Haiti. I just had to go, had to respond, God was sending me. Never imagined what was to await me, after 30 grueling days of facing death. Now back on track with life, back to my normal self. I look in the mirror and I see me; and not just me, but a reflection of true gratitude for life; true joy. It means that I may continue to go where HE sends me, and that is awesome. I accept each day as a reminder of breath. The day the doctors told me they couldn’t do anything else, it only meant that God’s hand was over my life and was at work like he always does. I’m not perfect, and I’m still learning taking each day as a new task. But one thing is set, my life is not my own. I walk each day as a living being; ready to go out and make a difference, to go to those who are hungry and I am able to do that by those standing with me. I will not just see me in the mirror; I will reflect God’s love everyday. That is my calling. Thank you
A thankful Heart
I first wanted to share with you how grateful I am to those who have been praying for me and for financially partnering with me in what God has called me out to do. It is always a blessing that no matter where I am, and where I go, I will always have a group of people who will be with me in all that God sends me to go and to do. Nothing is more exciting then being able to make a difference in a person’s life that are in need, people who are neglected and forgotten. And to know that I will never be alone on this mission, it’s nothing more then a motivation to keep going, to keep moving forward and striving to make a difference.
Lives changed in the Achi village
Myself and the rest of the staff here in YWAM Tecate were able to have an amazing opportunity a few weeks ago. With all the money we had, bags packed, and an early flight, we headed out to Guatemala. Not only to bless others, but to really make a difference. We arrived in the small town of San Miguel Chicaj. Our purpose was to run a youth day camp. As we walked in town, the youth looked at us with curiosity as to who we were, but soon found out.
We started our camp called “Mission Adventures”. About 80 youth arrived the first day. We started with some time of worship, and then had games to break the ice. The youth began to open up, and were becoming transformed before our eyes. They put aside their traditions, and began to have a revelation of who God is. The youth are from the Achi tribe, where woman and men sit separately at gatherings. But not this camp, they all began to sing with one voice, one vision, one heart. The youth began to get on Fire for God, and on our last day, along with some of their parents, 150 made a commitment to the Lord!! The seed was planted the vision fulfilled.
More to come
You have made a difference, with your prayers and support. Thank you for taking me to Guatemala, to reach the youth of the Achi tribe. Life in Tecate, Mexico is also going great. We have several projects going on, and it’s been great. I am also part of a mobile team that is going around Baja to help encourage more pastors and their youth about reaching more people in the Baja area of Mexico and so far it’s going great. Thank you again, fro prayers and support. More to come.
Blessings, Teresa
I first wanted to share with you how grateful I am to those who have been praying for me and for financially partnering with me in what God has called me out to do. It is always a blessing that no matter where I am, and where I go, I will always have a group of people who will be with me in all that God sends me to go and to do. Nothing is more exciting then being able to make a difference in a person’s life that are in need, people who are neglected and forgotten. And to know that I will never be alone on this mission, it’s nothing more then a motivation to keep going, to keep moving forward and striving to make a difference.
Lives changed in the Achi village
Myself and the rest of the staff here in YWAM Tecate were able to have an amazing opportunity a few weeks ago. With all the money we had, bags packed, and an early flight, we headed out to Guatemala. Not only to bless others, but to really make a difference. We arrived in the small town of San Miguel Chicaj. Our purpose was to run a youth day camp. As we walked in town, the youth looked at us with curiosity as to who we were, but soon found out.
We started our camp called “Mission Adventures”. About 80 youth arrived the first day. We started with some time of worship, and then had games to break the ice. The youth began to open up, and were becoming transformed before our eyes. They put aside their traditions, and began to have a revelation of who God is. The youth are from the Achi tribe, where woman and men sit separately at gatherings. But not this camp, they all began to sing with one voice, one vision, one heart. The youth began to get on Fire for God, and on our last day, along with some of their parents, 150 made a commitment to the Lord!! The seed was planted the vision fulfilled.
More to come
You have made a difference, with your prayers and support. Thank you for taking me to Guatemala, to reach the youth of the Achi tribe. Life in Tecate, Mexico is also going great. We have several projects going on, and it’s been great. I am also part of a mobile team that is going around Baja to help encourage more pastors and their youth about reaching more people in the Baja area of Mexico and so far it’s going great. Thank you again, fro prayers and support. More to come.
Blessings, Teresa